Livestock Solutions
with Hudson Crop
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Training for
Every Learner
It takes great knowledge, innovation, patience and attention to detail to accommodate the wide variety of learning preferences and requirements of our customers… and our Team has raised the industry bar!
From Livestock Specialists to Underwriters and Claims Processors - we work when you work! Our expert team is available for questions or issues during your peak selling times.
Breaking The Mold
The Hudson Livestock Team is here to help you take the next steps in building your business. Take another look at Hudson Livestock, and let us show you why our approach is unparalleled.
We provide key tools that enable you to service your farmers and ranchers as efficiently as possible, from daily market update communication to marketing materials and quoting technology.
Hudson Crop | (866) 450-1445 |
Legal and RMA Statements
Dairy Revenue Protection
Livestock Gross Margin
Livestock Risk Protection
DRP is an insurance plan approved by the Federal Crop Insurance Corporation to allow dairy farmers to purchase risk management protection against declines in quarterly revenue from milk sales as a result of a decline in milk prices, a decline in milk production, or both.
Revenue will be determined by a producer selecting to base their coverage on a mix of Class III and Class IV milk prices or milk components (milkfat, protein, and other milk solids). Coverage will be based on quarterly revenue.
DRP expected revenue is based on futures prices for milk and dairy commodities. The amount of...
Dairy Revenue Protection
Learn more about DRP
LGM is a federally-reinsured livestock product that provides protection against the loss of gross margin.
LGM – Cattle provides protection against the loss of gross margin (market value of cattle less feeder cattle and feed costs) on fed cattle (yearling and calf).
LGM – Dairy Cattle provides protection against the loss of gross margin (market value of milk less feed costs) on the targeted quantity of market milk.
LGM – Swine provides protection against the loss of gross margin (market value of hogs less feed costs). The LGM insurance policy uses adjusted futures prices to determine the...
Livestock Gross Margin
Learn more about LGM
LRP is a federally-reinsured livestock product that provides single peril risk protection against the decline in prices over the insurance period.
This insurance may be purchased throughout the year. Premium rates, coverage prices, and actual ending values are posted online daily. The RMA monitors capacity levels. When the funding limit has been reached, sales for this product will cease. LRP does not insure against death, loss or poor performance.
At the end of the insurance period, if the actual ending value is below the coverage price, an indemnity will be...
Livestock Risk Protection
Learn more about LRP
Fed Cattle Overview
Feeder Cattle Overview
Swine Overview
What to Expect in a Loss
DRP Overview
What to Expect in a Loss
Cattle Overview
Dairy Overview
Swine Overview
What to Expect in a Loss
Hudson Crop | (866) 450-1445 |
Legal and RMA Statements
The Hudson Crop LRP Quoter provides 24-hour access and up-to-the-minute quotes for the RMA Livestock Risk Protection Insurance Program for Fed Cattle, Feeder Cattle and Swine. Our quoting software provides our agents and farmers a more efficient way to choose the best coverage to protect their investment should the national price drop before the animal goes to market. Additionally, our quoting system will provide an overview of the upside potential in the marketplace. Quote LRP now >
Quote LRP Coverage
Our LGM quoting software provides an efficient way for agents, farmers and ranchers to choose the best margin coverage for their Dairy, Cattle and Swine operations by analyzing commodity prices and flexible deductibles. Take a look at LGM weekly margins and rates without having to have a policy set up first! (New rates and margins available on Thursdays, when available through Friday morning sales closing.) Quote LGM now >
Quote LGM Coverage
Quote DRP in the eHarvest® Processing System without having to setup a policy first! Hudson Crop agents can also access the DRP quoter via the myHudson agent platform. Quote DRP now >
Quote DRP Coverage
Hudson Crop | (866) 450-1445 |
Legal and RMA Statements
NON DISCRIMINATION STATEMENT: Hudson Insurance Company is an equal opportunity provider. In accordance with Federal law and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) civil rights regulations and policies, the USDA, its Agencies, offices, and employees, and institutions participating in or administering USDA programs are prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, gender identity (including gender expression), sexual orientation, disability, age, marital status, family/parental status, income derived from a public assistance program, political beliefs, or reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity, in any program or activity conducted or funded by USDA (not all bases apply to all programs).
The information contained in this publication is provided for informational purposes only and is not provided as a substitute for advice from legal counsel regarding the content or interpretation of any law, regulation or rule. The information provided shall not revise, supplement or alter an insurance policy in any manner, nor is it intended as a substitute for advice from a risk management expert or legal counsel you may retain for your own purposes.
All coverages underwritten by Hudson Insurance Company. ©2023 Hudson Insurance Group. Hudson Insurance Company is an equal opportunity employer.
Hudson Crop | (866) 450-1445 |
Legal and RMA Statements